Activity tutorials
Rather than have multiple tutorials for related activities, a tutorial can use the activity format to progress to further activities in the same tutorial. Activities each have their own set of steps to complete.
Enable activites
To have the tutorial engine interpert the sections in the tutorial as activities with steps, use the @activities metadata option at the top of the page.
### @activities 1
Note: You can use either the literal of 1
or true
to turn on activities.
Activity format
Instead of a linear progression of steps as in the default format, an activity tutorial uses a heading - subheading structure to divide up each activity and its steps.
Default step structure
The default tutorial structure simply progresses through a series of steps.
## Introduction
## Step 1
## Step 2
## Step 3
## Finish
Activity step structure
The activity tutorial structure uses a two-level layout - activity and steps, next activity.
### @activities 1
## Introduction
### Introduction step
## Activity 1
### Step 1
### Step 2
## Activity 2
### Step 1
### Step 2
### Step 3
## Activity 3
### Step 1
### Finish
In an activity style tutorial, the title can appear in a psuedo-activity that serves as an introduction. The title is also displayed in the tutorial control bar.
### @activities true
## Introduction
### Introduction step @showdialog

# Light blaster
The amazing blast of bright light! Make a program to flash the LEDs.
Activity sections
An activity begins with a level 2 heading (##
) followed by the activity name. The activity name is displayed in the tutorial control bar next to the step progress counter and step advance controls. An activity can have any number of steps, but no activity-specific text.
## Activity 1
### Step 1
Instructions for step 1 of activity 1 here...
### Step 2
Instructions for step 2 of activity 1 here...
## Activity 2
### Step 1
Instructions for step 1 of activity 2 here...
Step syntax
If the tutorial has activities enabled in the metadata, steps begin with a level 3 heading (###
), followed by the name.
The text in the heading is shown only when the tutorial is viewed as a help page. It’s ok to have additional text in the heading. The word ‘Step’ can even be left out since the tutorial runner will build the list of steps only from the content under the heading tag, ###
. These are valid headings:
### Step 3: Make a new variable
### Flash all the LEDs on and off twice
The editor automatically parses the markdown and populates the user interface from each step section.