
The PXT documentation supports a basic file structure and allows inheritance of pages from various repos and remixes them into a final document.

File structure

PXT assumes that the documentation is located under the /docs folder. The web site routing follows this file structure:

/about -> /docs/
/reference/math -> /docs/reference/

Static assets such as pictures can be placed under the /docs/static folder.

Inheriting docs

Targets will inherit main PXT docs for common language features, but can override parts of each document.

By default, all upstream PXT docs are visible in the target. They consist mostly of the language reference. If a target defines a document with a name matching an upstream document, the target’s version will be used. If the target’s version includes macro # @extends, then the upstream version is used as the base document and the sections it wants to extend are overridden.

Sections are overridden based on matching their ids. For example, a target’s version of the document above can look like:

# @​extends
### #ex2
My example
## See Also These! #also
My links

The resulting markdown will end up as:

## Examples #ex
### Example 1
### Example 2 #ex2
My example
### Example 3
## See Also These! #also
My links

If the title of section is omitted, the title from the upstream version is taken.

Only named sections of the upstream document can be overridden. This is to avoid possible mixups related to localization.

Do not introduce new section ids in the target’s document - they will appear as errors at the end. Also, if you were to override a section with nested subsections, like the ex section above, it is not necessary to specify nested subsections again (i.e., #ex2 can be skipped).

The sections in the upstream document are treated as a tree, following the nesting level of the headers. In the target document, a section spans from the beginning of a section with an id, up to the next section with an id. That is, the tree structure is not required.

Docs file lookup

The lookup of path proceeds as follows:

  • take the main repo of the target corresponding to at branch v2
  • check if any of docs/foo/bar-ref.json or docs/foo/bar.html exist; if so use it and stop
  • check for docs/foo/
  • if it exists and doesn’t contain # @extends use it and stop
  • for every bundled package P from pxtarget.json, that is not in pxt-common-packages, look for P/docs/foo/; if found use it and stop (no expansion here)
  • get package.json and pxtarget.json from the main target repo
  • check for base file common-docs/foo/ in the checkout of pxt-core branch from package.json; eg "dependencies": { "pxt-core": "3.2.1" } will result in looking into pxt-core repo at v3 branch
  • if it fails, then for every bundled package P from pxtarget.json look for base file in the checkout of pxt-common-packages (version from package.json) for P/docs/foo/
  • if no base file is found, server response is 404
  • otherwise, either serve the base file as is, or patch it up using the instructions in Inheriting docs above

If there is, say, no v7 branch of a repo but the package.json at master has "version": "7.3.1", then master is used instead of v7.

The lookup of path, where foo doesn’t look like v0, v1, etc., proceeds like above but with master instead of v2.

If the page is requested in a non-English language, the .md files are first fetched from Crowdin on the same branch as they would have been fetched from the repo (either master or vN).

To see how this resolution applies in a particular target, you can try to load an non-existing URL - the error page will show you the list of locations tried. You may need to click a little ‘More info’ button to see it.