Translations in context

MakeCode has the capability for in context translations. This allows you to perform translations to text content right at the place where you see it in the editor (or in a documentation page).

Here’s a video example:

Trouble signing in with Crowdin?

If you have trouble with signing into the in-context translation page, you might need to disable same site by default cookies. Go to chrome://flags/#same-site-by-default-cookies and set the SameSite by default cookies to Disabled option.

Editor translation

To enter translation mode in the editor, go the gearwheel menu, click Languages and then click the Translate the editor button at the bottom.

Button in language dialog

Each portion of text that is available for translation will have a colored border and an icon to edit the translation. The colored borders mean:

  • Red border: the text has no translation
  • Blue border: the text has a translation but it isn’t validated/approved
  • Green border: the text has a valdated/approved translation

For user interface elements, simply click on the icon to translate them.

An example of incontext translations

For blocks, go to the context menu and click Translate this block.

Blocks context menu with translate option

You will be prompted with a dialog that contains the block translatable string.

Translation dialog

Documentation page translation

When on any documention page, click on the Language button in the footer and then select Translate this page in the dialog.