PXT uses the Semantic UI framework to create the user interface.
For Blockly theming, you can overwrite the default Blockly options by configuring blocklyOptions
under your target’s appTheme
See Blockly Configuration for a full list of Blockly configurable options.
Semantic Theming
PXT comes with a default Semantic UI theme. You can however completely override the theme and use all the flexibility of Semantic UI to customize your target.
- copy the
folder from the project to the root of your target, and rename it tosite
- customize the variables!
You will most likely be updating the site variables under site/globals/site.variables
From more information on theming, visit
pxt serve
or pxt buildtarget
will automatically rebuild semantic.css
and override the built-in CSS from the app.
Use realfavicongenerator to generate all the relevant favicon icon files and save them under static/icons
in the docs
pxtarget.json contains an extensive customization section (appTheme) to control logos, names, colors, etc. Details are below (TBD):
interface AppTheme {
// naming
id?: string;
name?: string;
title?: string;
description?: string;
boardName?: string;
// associated social/store information
appStoreID?: string; // Apple iTune Store ID if any
twitter?: string;
// localization
defaultLocale?: string;
locales?: Map<AppTheme>;
crowdinProject?: string;
crowdinBranch?: string; // optional branch specification for pxt
selectLanguage?: boolean; // add language picker to settings menu
disableLiveTranslations?: boolean; // don't load translations from crowdin
// logos
logoUrl?: string;
logo?: string;
portraitLogo?: string;
rightLogo?: string;
docsLogo?: string;
cardLogo?: string;
appLogo?: string;
// branding
organization?: string;
organizationUrl?: string;
organizationLogo?: string;
organizationWideLogo?: string;
// associated URLs
homeUrl?: string;
shareUrl?: string;
embedUrl?: string;
privacyUrl?: string;
termsOfUseUrl?: string;
contactUrl?: string;
feedbackUrl?: string; // is set: a feedback link will show in the settings menu
githubUrl?: string;
// menu authoring and theming
docMenu?: DocMenuEntry[]; // help menu
TOC?: TOCMenuEntry[]; // see also
galleries?: pxt.Map<string>; // list of galleries to display in projects dialog
hideMenuBar?: boolean; // Hides the main menu bar
hideEditorToolbar?: boolean; // Hides the bottom editor toolbar
// getting started and documentation
sideDoc?: string; // if set: show the getting started button, clicking on getting started button links to that page
hideSideDocs?: boolean;
hideDocsSimulator?: boolean; // do not show simulator button in docs
hideDocsEdit?: boolean; // do not show edit button in docs
usbDocs?: string;
htmlDocIncludes?: Map<string>;
htmlTemplates?: Map<string>;
// editor theming
accentColor?: string;
blocksOnly?: boolean; // blocks only workspace
invertedMenu?: boolean; // if true: apply the inverted class to the menu
// blockly theming
blockColors?: Map<string>; // block namespace colors, used for build in categories
coloredToolbox?: boolean; // if true: color the blockly toolbox categories
invertedToolbox?: boolean; // if true: use the blockly inverted toolbox
blocklyOptions?: Blockly.Options; // Blockly options, see Configuration:
blockHats?: boolean; // if true, event blocks have hats
// monaco theming
invertedMonaco?: boolean; // if true: use the vs-dark monaco theme
monacoToolbox?: boolean; // if true: show the monaco toolbox when in the monaco editor
hasReferenceDocs?: boolean; // if true: the monaco editor will add an option in the context menu to load the reference docs
// simulator theming
simAnimationEnter?: string; // Simulator enter animation
simAnimationExit?: string; // Simulator exit animation
hasAudio?: boolean; // target uses the Audio manager. if true: a mute button is added to the simulator toolbar.
highContrast?: boolean; // simulator has a high contrast mode
// running in an iframe
allowParentController?: boolean; // allow parent iframe to control editor
extendEditor?: boolean; // whether a target specific editor.js is loaded
// options around downloading a compiled file
useUploadMessage?: boolean; // change "Download" text to "Upload"
downloadIcon?: string; // which icon io use for download
driveDisplayName?: string; // name of the drive as it shows in the explorer
// miscellaneous
hideEmbedEdit?: boolean; // hide the edit button in the embedded view
mobileSafariDownloadProtocol?: string; // custom protocol to be used on iOS
sounds?: {
tutorialStep?: string;
tutorialNext?: string;
dialogClick?: string;