
A collection of MakeCode Editors created by the community, both academic and commercial. Got questions? Join us on the MakeCode Forum!

Editors listed here are not supported by the Microsoft MakeCode team. To be listed on this page, your editor must be open source on GitHub, preferably under the MIT License.


MicroCode editor screenshot

A icon-based, simpler editor for K-3 for the micro:bit V2:


Maker editor screenshot

An editor for maker-oriented microcontrollers, that typically require breadboarding. For more information, see:

Data Science Editor

Data Science Editor screenshot

An editor for building data science analysis programs.

ARcadia: Marker-based augment reality

ARcadia screenshot

ARcadia is a toolkit for bringing paper prototypes to life through the use of marker-based Augmented Reality. It enables users to create tangible interfaces for real-time creative expression without the use of embedded sensors or electronics. For more information, see:

Brainpad (GHI)

BrainPad screenshot

The BrainPad is an exciting STEM/STEAM mini computer for learning and coding video games, robots and electronics.


BuildBee is a 3D print solution

BuildBee screenshot


Calliope mini screenshot

With the Calliope mini you can get to know the world of computers in a playful and creative way.

Cornell University Projects

Beat the traffic

Beat the traffic screenshot

This Cornell University course project uses MakeCode to program the logic behind traffic lights in a traffic simulator. For more information, see GitHub


Build-U-Face screenshot

This Cornell University course project uses MakeCode to control a face recognition engine. For more information, see GitHub

Holiday Card

Holiday editor screenshot

Create your own greeting cards using this MakeCode Editor. This is a nice example of MakeCode’s support for embedding the MakeCode editor inside of a web app. For more information, see:


Turtle editor screenshot

Program a turtle!


A range of 80+ modular “xChips”, which includes cores/CPUs, sensors, power, communication, output, and storage.

Xinabox editor snapshot
